Dear Colleagues,

We must thank you for your patience as we develop strategies, protocols and methods for presenting our CHOICES REACH OUT ZOOM sessions online for students, parents and teachers. We recognize that your school had dates booked for this period for workshops for your students and we are offering you our REACH OUT Zoom sessions instead.  You can book a date for your student only.

We have also created several opportunities for you, your students and parents. These include:

  • Having students join one of our REACH OUT Zoom sessions on choosing a career (grade 9), getting ready for the future world of work (upper school) and/or making the transition to secondary school (those coming in to Grade 7).  Registration details, dates and times will be on our website as each date approaches –
  • Having an online workshop for your students only.  You can communicate with us directly if you choose this option – 876-782-1644 as special arrangements must be made for time and date.
  • We can join your online parent, form or grade level meetings to offer our expertise in the areas of career choice, subject choice, parenting support etc.
  • Our website is available to all who require career and education information.  The site is constantly being updated with more information for students, teachers/counsellors and parents –
  • Products which support the themes of the sessions can be purchased in our online store –  .
  • The Career Key Test can be done on line by individual students from the link on our website –
  • We will soon be rolling out a platform on which large school groups can do The Career Key Test and teachers/counsellors will be able to access the result of each of their students.


We recognise that this is a very unusual year and that there could possibly be a “lost cohort” of students in every single grade or form.  That is why for the remainder of this term, all of our online sessions are FREE OF COST and we encourage you to encourage your students to take advantage of them in this period.

We anxiously await the day when we can return to your school and present to your students face-to-face. In the mean time we are happy to still be able to serve your school populations through these virtual means.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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